On Friday evening, the 5th of July, a new version of the Minddistrict platform will go into production. In this release note, you'll find all updates. Enjoy the new version of Minddistrict!

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Language filter in the Catalogue

This update is relevant for professionals

Previously, it was not possible to filter by another language when you had multilingual tools in your Catalogue. This filter is added and from now on it will be visible on the left side of the Catalogue.

You will see the language filter in the Catalogue when tools are available in more than one language.

Curious which tools we have available in other languages? Check out the Dutch-language Catalogue or the German-language Catalogue on our website.
Interested in expanding your Catalogue with tools in another language? Then contact your account manager.
Besides tools in another language, it is also possible to set up the platform in another language. Ask your account manager if you are interested in this.

Questionnaires for informants

This update is relevant for therapists and informants

Within healthcare, it is sometimes desirable to complete a questionnaire for a client. For example, teachers can fill in questionnaires about a student for more insight into behaviour and performance, parents can provide information about their child's well-being and home situation, and social workers can record evaluations themselves.

This new feature allows professionals to assign questionnaires to people around a client (informants), other professionals, or themselves. Questionnaires can be assigned via the Catalogue or a specific client.

After selecting a client, professionals must provide the informant's name and e-mail address. The informant receives an e-mail with a link to the questionnaire, which is valid for 30 days. No account is required to complete the questionnaire.

Professionals can also send questionnaires to their own e-mail address. Using the same browser, they must log out of the informant's Minddistrict account to access their own again.
Assigned questionnaires are shown in the client's module overview, with the name of the assignor, so that it is clear which questionnaires are to be completed by the client and which by informants.
The Informants feature can be used in combination with questionnaires for informants.

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