On Friday evening, September 6th, a new version of the Minddistrict platform will go into production. In this release note, you'll find all updates. Enjoy the new version of Minddistrict!

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Download pdf/print of schemas and plans

This update is relevant for clients and therapists

Clients like to download their ‘plan’ or ‘ schema’, print it out, and take it with them. This way, they can easily put it in their pocket or bag, or hang it somewhere, e.g. on the fridge.

Both tools now have a ‘Download as PDF’ button in the WebPlatform. 

Via this button, they receive a clear, printable version that they can also save.

  • Clients only see the ‘Download as PDF’ button when a plan or schedule is (partially) filled in.
  • Therapists always see the button. It does not matter whether the plan/schema is completed or still empty. An ‘empty’ schedule or plan can then be given to the client in printed form.

Improvements in mobile questionnaire(plannings)

This update is relevant for therapists

A couple of improvements have been made to the questionnaire(schedules) to make it more user-friendly for therapists who work with them.

Change questionnaire dates during assign flow

Professionals can now change the start dates of each questionnaire directly when assigning a questionnaire planning. This makes it easier and better to match the clients' personal needs.

Until now, it was only possible if a questionnaire schedule was already assigned to a client. The option to change a date was then hidden behind the ‘Edit schedule’ button.

Therapist sees notification that they are viewing a preview and cannot save it

Therapists previously sometimes filled in a questionnaire or module when looking at such a preview of an assigned tool within their own account.  This led to confusion because they thought they, together with the client, were really filling in questionnaires/modules when it was the preview.

To prevent therapists from lost data, we have added a notification indicating that this is a preview and that answers will not be saved.

Access to data from (by client) archived tools

Therapists could previously only see how many tools a client had archived, but not which titles or what the content was. Although the data were stored, the titles and content were hidden from them. Therapists would like to be able to see the content of archived questionnaires or modules to keep an overview of the treatment.

Therefore, we now also make the archived questionnaires and modules themselves visible to therapists. On the ‘Modules’ page, they can find the questionnaire or module, archived by the client, under the heading ‘Archived modules’.

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