On Friday evening, February 2nd, a new version of the Minddistrict platform will go into production. In this release note, you'll find all updates. Enjoy the new version of Minddistrict! 

Do you have questions about the Minddistrict platform or app? Visit our online support site


Whitepaper about digital therapeutics

A fresh look at validation and the application of data in digital healthcare.

In this whitepaper, we take you through the realm of digital therapeutics and show you how we aim to offering personalised treatment. Yes, that's a lot of buzzwords in one sentence. Not to mention 'data'.

What can you expect in this whitepaper?

  • Why personalised digital therapeutics? We’ll explain the goal with the help of a metaphor and show what clients and therapists can gain.
  • We discuss another look at validation, what we are doing to realise our views.

  • We’ll look into opportunities of data collection and working in networks.

Download the whitepaper

Using favourites

This is relevant voor clients and friends 

Did you know that clients can use favourites to quickly find exercises or pages they want to go through more often?

At the bottom of each page in a mobile module, a client/friend will find an icon to save the page as a favourite.
Favourites can then be found:

  • On the homepage if the client logs in via a browser
  • In the module itself (via 'open overview' which opens the table of contents)
  • In the app via 'Profile'

Tell your clients about this option. This will help them find important exercises and pages quickly.

1 The icon to set a favourite in a module
2 Icon of saved favourite in the overview of the module

Favourites can be found in the app via the profile.

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