On Friday evening, October 7th, a new version of the Minddistrict platform will go into production. In this release note, you'll find all updates. Enjoy the new version of Minddistrict! |
Minddistrict hackathon
In September, we worked on several larger projects that will be rolled out at a later date, such as the pilot for “Plans and schemas”.
Additionally, this month the first ever Minddistrict Hackathon took place. Minddistricters from the different countries, from various teams and bringing their knowledge and expertise, formed eight mixed teams. Each team set to work on a challenge or issue, for example about client journeys, support for caregivers, monitoring, data issues, and more. A week of hacking led to new models, designs and prototypes. And of course, to a new way of collaborating, and learning from each other’s experiences.
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In future release notes, you will find (parts) of features and solutions created during this week.
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