Due to the holidays, we will not have a new version of the platform in January. In this release note you can read about improvements we have already made. Enjoy the new version of Minddistrict! |
Improvements in conversations
This update is relevant for professionals and clients
A number of improvements have been made to the conversation functionality. These will make the managing of conversations more convenient. The following changes are already in production:
- As soon as a conversation is opened, the 'unread' label disappears. Previously, this label only disappeared when an unread message was displayed on the screen for 5 seconds. This could make it difficult to get rid of this label. For example, when sending short messages back and forth quickly, it sometimes happened that a message was not on the screen long enough.
- System messages are no longer labelled 'new'. An example of a system message is: 'Person X shared a video call'.
- When video calling, the tab of the browser now indicates by means of a red call icon that a video call is in progress. Previously there was a flashing message with the number of active calls.
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