On Friday evening, March 6 a new version of the Minddistrict platform will go into production. In this release note, you will find all updates. Have fun with the new version of Minddistrict! |
Do you have questions about the Minddistrict platform or App? Please visit our online support page! |
Extension data export function
Data export for video calls
Data on the use of our new video calling functionality will be available from March 6. Moreover, it will be possible to gain further insight into this data by selecting which fields should be included in the export.
Data export for login and activity
We extended our data exports by the following: 'User activity period' and 'User logins'. These exports have been added so that you can compute the VIPP scores.
User activity period: This export provides insight into the use of the platform and the app. The platform logs usage every 6 hours. This differs from the app because users log in only once into the app. After that, they stay logged in because the app uses a pin code.
User logins: Here, you'll find every login moment of users in the platform.
Data exports in Excel format
From now on, you'll have the extra option to export your data as an excel file when you create an export.
Improvement of the video calling functionality
We improved the video calling functionality further. It's more visible now who is speaking because we also highlight the microphone of the current speaker.
In addition, the use of 'screen sharing' is more visible as well. When you are sharing your screen, the screen sharing symbol will be shown in yellow.
Email configuration
After March 6, it will be possible to deactivate certain email notifications in the platform. The notification emails that are not on the list, will still be sent. This functionality minimises duplicate emails that are sent to users of platforms that are using a different portal.
If users have activated or deactivated their notification emails, the configuration of the application manager will overwrite these user settings.