Welcome to the Minddistrict release notes


  • August 2024

    No release note due to holidays

    and more...
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  • July 2024

    • Language filter in the Catalogue
    • Questionnaires for informants

    and more...
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  • June 2024

    • Using mobile questionnaires
    • Update: new mobile module 'Sleep better'
    • Expansion of dashboard
    and more...
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  • May 2024

    • Using entered answers in open questions in computations
    and more...
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  • April 2024

    • Submission button positioned more conveniently
    • Expiration date for questionnaires set to 30 days
    and more...
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  • March 2024

    • Strengthen treatment with metrics, questionnaires and ROM 
    • Creating new questionnaire
    • Dashboard extension
    and more...
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